A-Z Challenge ~ Florence, Italy #atozchallenge

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A few years ago, we were lucky enough to do some traveling in Italy. Starting in Venice, we traveled our way down to Rome, stopping many places on the way. However, my favorite place of all was Florence or Firenze as they say over there.

Being in Italy was something special, as I am about half quarters Italian. If you want me to break it down, I think ¼ is from my mother’s maternal parents, which are from a small provence outside of Naples. The other ¼ is from my father’s paternal parents, which are from Sicily. I’m also ¼ Scottish and the last ¼ is a mix of Greek, French, and I don’t know what else. 🙂 So, now that you know my blood lines, I’ll get on with Florence.

I have this love of Dante Alighieri and when I found out we were stopping in his birthplace, I was so excited. So, let’s star with the view of Ponte Vecchio we captured from the David statue.

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Ponte Vecchio Florence, Italy


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Statue of David at Piazzale Michelangelo, Florence, Firenze, Italy

Dante was not hard to find, as there was tons of references to him all around the city. Below is, supposedly, his first home, which is now a museum.

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Dante Alighieri’s 1st home and now Museum.

Here is a statue of Dante outside the Santa Croce Church.

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Statue of Dante Alighieri

When you travel to foreign places without a local to show you around, it’s difficult to know where the best restaurants and best hotels are location. However, in Florence we had the best hotel and meal from all of the places in Italy we went. Walking around the small town, we felt so comfortable and at home. It was such a strange sensation, but one that felt right.
I could have sat in the Piazza della Signoria all day people watching and inspecting the statues. This plaza houses some of the most incredible statues I’ve ever seen all in one place. I’ll share a couple of pictures. I don’t want to bore you all.

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The Fountain of Neptune by Bartolomeo Ammannati

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Piazza della Signoria

I definitely would like to return to Florence one day. I imagine myself sitting in a corner of that plaza people watching and writing.

What’s your favorite place to travel?