NaNo ~ Day 3 ~ Confessions of a NaNoer

So we know Day 2 was a bust in the writing department. Day 3 was catch up day and I scored over 2500 words for a total of 5161 words. Woot!! Although it took me until midnight to do it and I was exhausted.

My story is not flowing as much as I’d like it to, but I’m working on back story, which is important but boring to write. I want to get to the action. I usually don’t have trouble getting the words out but with this story I do. Then I find myself going back over it and weeding out and moving scenes around. So during WC’s I’m not making good strides, instead I find myself doing research and correcting what I’ve already written. 😦

The day was good, though, so I was a happy camper. I was exhausted by the end of it all and it was quite worth it and at midnight I was in bed.